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Target Exam



Political Science


Political Theory: An Introduction


Which statement about the various perceptions of politics is incorrect?


Political leaders and persons who contest elections argue that it is a kind of public service.

Some people associate politics with manipulation and intrigue undertaken to pursue ambitions and satisfy wants.

A few think of politics as what politicians do.

None of the above.

Correct Answer:

None of the above.


The correct answer is Option 4 - None of the above.

People have different ideas about what politics is:

Political leaders, and persons who contest elections and hold political office, may argue that it is a kind of public service. Some others associate politics with manipulation and intrigue undertaken to pursue ambitions and satisfy wants. A few think of politics as what politicians do. If they see politicians defecting from parties, making false promises and tall claims, manipulating different sections, pursuing personal or group interests ruthlessly and in worst cases stooping to crime, they link politics with ‘scams’. So prevalent is this way of thinking that when we see people in different walks of life trying to promote their interests by any means possible, we say they are playing politics.