Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Politics of Planned Development


Who were the major beneficiaries of the Green Revolution?


Rich peasants and Large landholders

Poor farmers

Small landholders

Regions like Orrisa and West Bengal

Correct Answer:

Rich peasants and Large landholders


The correct answer is option (1) - Rich peasants and Large landholders

The green revolution raised the availability of food in the country.
The government offered a high-yielding variety of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and better irrigation at highly subsidized prices. The government also gave a guarantee to buy the produce of the farmers at a given price.
The rich peasants and the large landholders were the major beneficiaries of the process. The green revolution delivered only a moderate agricultural growth (mainly a rise in wheat production) and raised the availability of food in the country, but increased polarisation between classes and region.