A moving coil galvanometer is converted into an ammeter reading upto 0.03 A by connecting a shunt of resistance 4r across it and into an ammeter reading upto 0.06 A when a shunt of resistance r is connected across it. What is the maximum current which can be sent through this galvanometer, if no shunt is used? |
0.01 A 0.02 A 0.03 A 0.04 A |
0.02 A |
For an ammeter, $\frac{i_{g}}{i}=\frac{S}{G+S}$ $\Rightarrow i_{g} G=\left(i-i_{g}\right) S$ ∴ $i_{g} G=\left(0.03-i_{g}\right) 4 r$ (i) and $i_{g} G=\left(0.06-i_{g}\right) r$ (ii) From eqs. (i) and (ii), we get $0.12-4 i_{g}=0.06-i_{g}$ Maximum current through the galvanometer, ig = 0.02 A |