Practicing Success

Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Examine the four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. He cut its stomach open, in the hopes of finding all its golden eggs

B. A farmer whose beautiful goose lays a golden egg every day, became greedy and thought of taking all the golden eggs from the stomach of the goose.

C. He got nothing but blood an he also lost his goose and golden eggs forever.

D. So, the next day, as the goose laid its golden egg, the farmer was quick with a sharp knife.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2) - BCAD

The correct order for the jumbled sentences about the greedy farmer and the goose is: BCAD

Here's why:

B. A farmer whose beautiful goose lays a golden egg every day, became greedy and thought of taking all the golden eggs from the stomach of the goose. - This sentence introduces the characters, the goose's special ability, and the farmer's growing greed.

C. He got nothing but blood and he also lost his goose and golden eggs forever. - This sentence reveals the consequence of the farmer's action - he gets nothing of value and loses the goose and its golden eggs permanently.

A. He cut its stomach open, in the hopes of finding all its golden eggs. - This sentence explains the farmer's specific action driven by his greed, connecting back to sentence B.

D. So, the next day, as the goose laid its golden egg, the farmer was quick with a sharp knife. - This sentence sets the stage for the farmer's horrific decision by describing his eagerness to get all the eggs at once. It creates suspense before the consequence is revealed in sentence C.