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Target Exam





Foreign/Latin Words


Choose the meaning of the underlined foreign word, from the options below:

We sampled the local CUISINE.


method of eating at a particular place

an inn at a particular place

method of cooking at a particular place

A motel at a particular place

Correct Answer:

method of cooking at a particular place


The correct answer is Option (3) - method of cooking at a particular place

The correct meaning of the underlined foreign word "cuisine" is: Method of cooking at a particular place

Other options are not correct:

Method of eating at a particular place:
While table manners or etiquette might vary by location, "cuisine" specifically refers to the cooking styles and ingredients.
An inn at a particular place: "
Cuisine" is not related to lodging or accommodation.
A motel at a particular place:
Similar to "inn," "cuisine" is not connected to places to stay.