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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




Which of the following is correct observation when we dissolve salt in water?


The level of water rises up.

The level of water goes down.

Salt will not get dissolved.

The particles of salt get into the spaces between the particles of water

Correct Answer:

The particles of salt get into the spaces between the particles of water


The correct answer is option 4. The particles of salt get into the spaces between the particles of water.

Salt (sodium chloride) is a crystalline solid, meaning its particles (ions) are arranged in a specific ordered structure.

Water is a polar molecule, meaning it has a slightly positive and a slightly negative end due to unequal sharing of electrons between oxygen and hydrogen.

When salt is added to water, the polar water molecules surround the salt ions.

The positive end of the water molecule is attracted to the negative chloride ion \((Cl^-)\) of the salt.

The negative end of the water molecule is attracted to the positive sodium ion \((Na^+)\) of the salt.

These attractive forces between water molecules and ions overcome the attractive forces between the ions themselves in the salt crystal.

This disrupts the crystal structure of the salt, causing the ions to separate and disperse evenly throughout the water.

As the salt ions fit into the spaces between water molecules, the volume of the solution (saltwater) changes very little compared to the volume of salt added. So, there's no significant rise or fall in the water level. The salt simply dissolves and becomes undetectable as large crystals.