Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Number Ranking


Yuvraj has got more marks than Shakti. Neha has got less marks than Anamika. Swapnil has got more marks than Adil. Yuvraj gets less marks than Adil. Anamika and Shakti has got equal marks. Aditya has got more marks than Adil but less than only one person in the group. Who has got the highest and lowest marks?


Yuvraj - highest, Neha - lowest

Swapnil - highest, Shakti - lowest

Swapnil - highest, Neha - lowest

Adil - highest, Swapnil - lowest

Correct Answer:

Swapnil - highest, Neha - lowest


1. Yuvraj has got more marks than Shakti.

So, Yuvraj > Shakti = Anamika

2. Neha has got less marks than Anamika.

So, Anamika > Neha

3. Swapnil has got more marks than Adil.

So, Swapnil > Adil

4. Yuvraj gets less marks than Adil.

So, Adil > Yuvraj

5. Anamika and Shakti has got equal marks.

So, Anamika = Shakti

6. Aditya has got more marks than Adil but less than only one person in the group

So, _> Aditya > Adil

On combining all the six statements together, we get:

So, Swapnil > Aditya > Adil > Yuvraj > Shakti = Anamika > Neha

Thus, 'Swapnil - highest, Neha - lowest' is the correct answer.