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Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

Fingerprints are the marks made by the ridges on the ends of the fingers and thumbs. These ridges form a pattern that stays the same throughout a person’s life. No two persons have ever had the same fingerprints. So fingerprints are foolproof way of identifying a person. A fingerprint record is made in an interesting manner. A small piece of metal is coated with a thin film of ink. Thereafter, a person’s finger and thumb tips are pressed against the inked surface. Then the fingerprints are passed on a white card. The prints are recorded in exact detail. Fingerprints are often very useful in solving the crimes. Fingerprints are picked up at the scene of a crime. There are compared with those of a suspect. Millions of fingerprints are kept on files by police departments. Fingerprinting is also used in finding missing persons and identifying unknown dead. It is also used to screen people who apply for certain jobs. It is thought that the Chinese used thumbprints to sign documenting a long time before Christ. The system used today was invented by Sir Francis Galton in the 1880’s. In 1901, Sir E. R. Henry found a simple way of grouping fingerprints. His system is used by many law-enforcement organizations.  


The fingerprints are stored for record on


Paper files

A white card

An inked surface

A small piece of metal

Correct Answer:

A white card


The correct answer is: OPTION 2  A white card

The fingerprints are recorded on a white card according to the passage.