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Target Exam





Modern India: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist movement


Arrange the following historical events in a chronological order :

(A) Champaran Satyagraha
(B) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
(C) Gandhi-Irwin Pact
(D) Quit India Movement
(E) Mahatma Gandhi visits Noakhali and other riot-torn areas to stop communal violence.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(D), (C), (B), (A), (E)

(A), (B), (D), (C), (E)

(C), (D), (A), (B), (E)

(A), (B), (C), (D), (E)

Correct Answer:

(A), (B), (C), (D), (E)


The correct answer is Option (4) → (A), (B), (C), (D), (E)

The correct chronological order of the mentioned events is:

(A) Champaran Satyagraha
(B) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
(C) Gandhi-Irwin Pact
(D) Quit India Movement
(E) Mahatma Gandhi visits Noakhali and other riot torn areas to stop communal violence.

Timeline of important events in Indian Freedom movement:

1915: Mahatma Gandhi returns from South Africa
1917: Champaran movement
1918: Peasant movements in Kheda (Gujarat), and workers’ movement in Ahmedabad
1919: Rowlatt Satyagraha (March-April)
1919: Jallianwala Bagh massacre (April)
1921: Non-cooperation and Khilafat Movements
1928: Peasant movement in Bardoli
1929: “Purna Swaraj” accepted as Congress goal at the Lahore Congress (December)
1930: Civil Disobedience Movement begins; Dandi March (March-April)
1931: Gandhi-Irwin Pact (March); Second Round Table Conference (December)
1935: Government of India Act promises some form of representative government
1939: Congress ministries resign
1942: Quit India Movement begins (August)
1946: Mahatma Gandhi visits Noakhali and other riot-torn areas to stop communal violence.