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Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage given below and answer the question.

Off to the right we hear the distinct 'bleep-bleep' - the alarm call of the chital, or spotted deer, announcing the presence of a predator. Kuttapan and Gautam go off to investigate and we begin to drive around to intercept them on the other side of the forest. Not ten metres down the road, we hear a loud 'varoom' - the call of the tiger - and we slide to a halt on the dusty road. Walking directly towards us at a distance of 100 metres is a large male tiger. It is one of the three-year-old males known to share this territory with his brother.

The tiger continued his casual stroll directly towards us. When the tiger is about 50 metres past us, our reverie is broken by a commotion in the forest across the road. Anil, our guide, whispers loudly, 'Wolves!' There, propped up like little statues in a clearing in the forest, are two Indian grey wolves. Rigid, alert, clearly in a state of alarm and agitation, they begin yelping at the tiger. The tiger spins around on the road and charges off into the forest after them.

This time the tiger turns round and glowers at the wolf, probably assessing the distance between them and the speed it would take to catch the wolf. The muscles of the tiger begin to twitch and off goes the wolf into the forest again. Finally, after one more of these encounters, the tiger moves some distance away and the wolf disappears into the forest for one last time. We can only assume that the aggressive and bold behaviour of the wolf meant he was protecting some cubs and wanted to be sure the tiger was driven out of his territory. The tiger, now left in peace, continues his stroll.

Find out a word from the above passage which means 'day-dreaming'.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (3) - reverie