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Legal Studies



Which one of the following is correct about Judiciary in India?
The Parliament of India lays out the framework of the Indian judicial system by an Act.
Our country has a single integrated system of judiciary comprising of courts to administer both Central and State laws.
Each State in India has separate High Court
Both 2 and 3
Correct Answer:
Our country has a single integrated system of judiciary comprising of courts to administer both Central and State laws.
The Constitution of India lays out the framework of the Indian judicial system. India has adopted a federal system of government which distributes the law enacting power between the Centre and the States. Yet the Constitution establishes a single integrated system of judiciary comprising of courts to administer both Central and State laws. The Supreme Court located in New Delhi is the apex court of India. It is followed by various High Courts at the state level which function for one or more number of states. The High Courts are followed by district and subordinate courts which are known as the lower courts in India.