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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Piece of cake


Extremely difficult

Something which is very simple

Intuition for something dangerous

Invitation for birthday

Correct Answer:

Something which is very simple


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "piece of cake" is something which is very simple.

It is used to describe something that is easy to do or accomplish. The idiom is often used to express confidence or to downplay the difficulty of a task.

For example, you might say "The test was a piece of cake" if you thought it was very easy. Or, you might say "This job will be a piece of cake" if you are confident that you can do it easily.

The other options are not correct.

  • Extremely difficult: This is the opposite of the meaning of the idiom "piece of cake".
  • Intuition for something dangerous: This is not the same as the meaning of the idiom "piece of cake".
  • Invitation for birthday: This is not the same as the meaning of the idiom "piece of cake".