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Target Exam



Political Science


Constitution: Why And How?


In a monarchical constitution who gets to decide what the laws will be?


The Parliament

The People

The Monarch

The Judiciary

Correct Answer:

The Monarch


The correct answer is Option 3- The Monarch

A constitution is a body of fundamental principles according to which a state is constituted or governed.
The question arises, who gets to decide the basic principles/rules? The Constitution has to provide an answer to this question. It specifies the basic allocation of power in a society. It decides who gets to decide what the laws will be. In principle, this question, who gets to decide, can be answered in many ways: in a monarchical constitution, a monarch decides; in some constitutions like the old Soviet Union, one single party was given the power to decide. But in democratic constitutions, broadly speaking, the people get to decide. But this matter is not so simple.