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Target Exam





Indian Society: Challenges of Cultural Diversity


Which one of the following is not an indicator of Secularisation?


declining influence of religious organizations on public life

celebration of religious festivals in educational institutions

emergence of science and rationality

declining rates of church attendance

Correct Answer:

celebration of religious festivals in educational institutions


The correct answer is Option (2) → celebration of religious festivals in educational institutions

This is because secularization typically involves the separation of religious activities from public or educational institutions, so the celebration of religious festivals in educational institutions would not be indicative of secularization.

Here's why the other options are indicators of secularization:

* **Declining influence of religious organizations on public life:** This suggests a decrease in the power and control religious institutions have over public affairs.
* **Emergence of science and rationality:** Secularization is often associated with a greater emphasis on reason and scientific evidence over religious dogma.
* **Declining rates of church attendance:** This suggests a decrease in people actively participating in religious activities, which can be a sign of secularization.