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Target Exam



Political Science


Constitution: Why And How?


In which year Nepal emerged as a democratic republic after abolishing the monarchy?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 3 - 2008

In 2008, Nepal emerged as a democratic republic after abolishing the monarchy.

Making a constitution is not always an easy and smooth affair. Nepal is an example of the complicated nature of constitution making. Since 1948, Nepal has had five constitutions, in 1948, 1951, 1959, 1962 and 1990. But all these constitutions were ‘granted’ by the King of Nepal. The 1990 constitution introduced a multi- party competition, though the King continued to hold final powers in many respects. For many years Nepal was faced with militant political agitations for restructuring the government. The main issue was the role of the monarchy in the constitution of Nepal. Some groups in Nepal wanted to abolish the institution of monarchy and establish a republican form of government. Others believed that it may be useful to shift to a limited monarchy with a reduced role for the King. The King himself was not ready to give up his powers. He took over all powers in October 2002. Many political parties and organisations demanded the formation of a new constituent assembly. The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) was in the forefront of the struggle for a popularly elected constituent assembly. Finally, under pressure of popular agitation, the King had to install a government acceptable to the agitating parties. This government has stripped the King of almost all powers. In 2008, Nepal emerged as a democratic republic after abolishing the monarchy. Finally, Nepal adopted a new constitution in 2015.