Practicing Success

Target Exam





Enterprise marketing


Identify the correct sequence for an effective advertising strategy:

A. Action

B. Interest

C. Desire

D. Attention

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


D, B, C, A

A, B, C, D

B, A, C, D

B, A, D, C

Correct Answer:

D, B, C, A


The correct answer is option (1) - D, B, C, A

Developing effective advertising (AIDA): Good advertising generally elicits the following four responses:

Attention – It catches the eye or ear and stands out amid the clutter of competing advertisements.

Interest – It arouses interest and delivers sufficient impact in the message or offering.

Desire – It creates a desire to learn more or crave ownership.

Action – It spurs an action which leads to achievement of the ad’s original objective – i.e. it prompts potential customers to purchase or use your product or service.