Practicing Success

Target Exam





Biotechnology -Principles and Processes


Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-
Deeksha lives in a society where a robbery occurred last night. Robbers came into the flat and murdered the old lady residing there. Police came and restricted the entry into the flat. They took samples from the room, where the dead body was found. While examining, they found that there is some blood and tissue in the nails of an old lady. According to their observation, police filtered out their inspection to three suspects viz. servant, cook, and milkman. Finally, after two days of robbery, police caught the criminal. It was the old lady’s cook. Deeksha was amazed to see how quickly the police completed and shut the case. She asked the inspector how they did it? The policeman told her that it become possible due to the sample collected from the victim, which lead them to the criminal. The sample taken from nail scraping was amplified using PCR and then tested.

What is the temperature used to denature the DNA in PCR and what does PCR actually mean?


95oC, Polymersation Chain Reaction

75oC, Polymersation Chain Reaction

80oC, Polymerised Cloning Reaction

40oC, Polymerised Cloning Reaction

Correct Answer:

95oC, Polymersation Chain Reaction


The correct answer is Option (4) 95oC, Polymersation Chain Reaction

Denaturation consists of heating the samples up typically between 94-98°C to cause denaturation of the template DNA, disrupting the hydrogen bonds and base stacking interactions that hold the DNA strands together.Polymerase chain reaction (abbreviated PCR) is a laboratory technique for rapidly producing (amplifying) millions to billions of copies of a specific segment of DNA, which can then be studied in greater detail.