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Target Exam





Accounting for Partnership


A & B are partners sharing profits in ratio of 1:2. Their fixed capitals were ₹2,00,000 & ₹3,00,000 respectively. C was admitted with 1/4th share and brought ₹2,00,000 for his capital which was also kept fixed. C acquired his share of profit from B.

Which capital method is followed by the partnership firm?


Fixed Capital Method

Fluctuating Capital Method

Overall Capital Method

Depends on the firm choice

Correct Answer:

Fixed Capital Method


The correct answer is option 1- Fixed Capital Method.

Fixed capital method is followed when the partners have fixed capitals. In the question it is specifically mentioned that partners have fixed capitals.

In the fixed capital method, the partners' capital remains unchanged unless there are agreed-upon introductions or withdrawals of capital. All financial aspects such as profit or loss share, interest on capital, drawings, and interest on drawings are recorded separately in the Partner's Current Account. Partner's current account is debited with items like interest on drawings, share in loss and credited with interest on capital, salary, commission etc. The capital accounts of the partners always maintain a fixed credit balance, except when there are capital changes. Withdrawal of capital is debited to capital account and additional capital introduced by partner is credited to capital account. In contrast, the partners' current accounts may show either a debit or credit balance. Therefore, this method involves maintaining two accounts for each partner: the capital account and the current account. The partners' capital accounts are always presented on the liabilities side of the balance sheet. On the other hand, the balances of the partners' current accounts are shown on the liabilities side if they have a credit balance and on the assets side if they have a debit balance.