Practicing Success

Target Exam



Legal Studies


Arbitration, Tribunal Adjudication and Alternate Dispute resolution


Assertion (A): The Alternate Dispute Redressal (ADR) methods are speedier, informal and cheaper modes of dispensing justice when compared to the conventional judicial procedure.
Reasoning (R): ADR provides the flexibility to even refer disputes to non-lawyers.


Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.

A is correct but R is false.

A is false but R is correct.

Correct Answer:

Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.


The ADR methods are speedier, informal and cheaper modes of dispensing justice when compared to the conventional judicial procedure. ADR provides a more convenient forum to the parties who can choose the time, place and procedure, for conducting the preferred dispute redressal process. Furthermore, if the dispute is technical in nature, parties have an opportunity to select the expert who possesses the relevant legal and technical expertise. It is interesting to note that ADR provides the flexibility to even refer disputes to non-lawyers. For example, several disputes of technical character e.g. disputes pertaining to the regulation of the construction industry are usually referred to engineers rather than lawyers.