Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Structural Change


Which of the following factors was not considered significant during industrialisation in independent India?


Development of heavy and machine-making industries

Expansion of the public sector

Presence of a large cooperative sector

Role of coastal cities for trading purpose

Correct Answer:

Role of coastal cities for trading purpose


The correct answer is Option (1) - Role of coastal cities for trading purpose

For Indian nationalists the issue of economic exploitation under colonial rule was a central issue. Images of pre-colonial fabled riches of India contrasted with the poverty of British India. The Swadeshi movement strengthened the loyalty to the national economy. Modern ideas made people realise that poverty was preventable. Indian nationalists saw rapid industrialisation of the economy as the path towards both growth and social equity. Development of heavy and machine-making industries (Option 1), expansion of the public sector (Option 2) and holding of a large cooperative sector (Option 3) were considered very important.