Practicing Success

Target Exam





Macro Economics: Government Budget and Economy


Which of the following statements are true about the objectives of government budget?
a) One person's consumption of a public good does not reduce the amount available for consumption for others. This is one of the aim of budget.
b) The government can change the distribution of income with the help of budget.
c) The intervention pertaining to expand demand or reduce it, can be achieved with budget.
d) To influence private players to not engage in production of harmful products.


a, b, c and d

a, c and d

b, c and d

b and c

Correct Answer:

b, c and d


The correct answer is Option 3: b, c and d

Statement (a): One person's consumption of a public good does not reduce the amount available for consumption for others. The statement define one of the characteristic of public good and is NOT an objective of budget.

Statement (b): The government can change the distribution of income with the help of budget. This statement is true and falls under redistribution function of Government budge. Governments often use fiscal policy, which includes budgetary measures, to influence the distribution of income within a society. For example, progressive taxation and social welfare programs are tools used by governments to redistribute income and reduce income inequality.

Statement (c): The intervention pertaining to expanding demand or reducing it can be achieved with the budget. This statement is true and falls under Stabilization function of Government budget. Governments can use fiscal policy, including changes in government spending and taxation (which are part of the budget), to influence aggregate demand in the economy. For instance, during periods of economic downturn, governments may increase spending or reduce taxes to stimulate demand, whereas during times of inflationary pressure, they may decrease spending or raise taxes to curb demand.

Statement (d): To influence private players to not engage in the production of harmful products. This statement is true as well. Governments often use regulatory measures and fiscal policies within their budgets to discourage or regulate the production and consumption of harmful products such as cigarettes, alcohol, or pollutants. Taxation, subsidies, and regulations are commonly employed to achieve this objective.