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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Medieval History


Who amongst the following King did not allow anybody to laugh in his court?




Mohammad Bin Tuglaq


Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 2- Balban

The king who did not allow anybody to laugh in his court was Balban. He was the ninth Sultan of the Slave Dynasty of Delhi and ruled from 1266 to 1287.

Balban was a stern and disciplinarian ruler. He believed that the sultan should be a strong and awe-inspiring figure, and he therefore maintained a strict and formal court. He did not allow his courtiers to laugh or joke in his presence, and he even punished those who did.

Balban's strictness was partly due to his fear of the Mongol invasions. He knew that the Mongols were a powerful and ruthless enemy, and he believed that the only way to defeat them was to maintain a strong and disciplined army. He also believed that a strict and formal court would help to project an image of strength and authority to the Mongols.

Balban's strictness was not always popular with his courtiers, but it was effective in maintaining order and stability in the kingdom. He was a successful ruler, and he helped to protect India from the Mongol invasions.