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Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Village Resource Centres (VRCs) were established by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) as part of its societal mission of bringing space-based services emanating from Satellite Communication (SatCom) and Earth Observation (EO) to rural society. While SatCom provides the method for an effective delivery of information and services across vast regions, EO provides community-centric information regarding geo-referenced land records; natural resources; the environment; sites for exploiting ground water for potable use and recharging; wasteland and reclamation; watershed profile; and cropping patterns. It can also provide customized local area information. These systems are very useful for predicting disaster, giving early warning and vulnerability-related information.

ISRO has undertaken the mission of assisting the VRC programme with a portfolio of services which are being established in collaboration with forty partner agencies across twenty-two states. A total of 473 VRCs have been set up with plans for rapid expansion in the future. Each VRC essentially has digital connectivity; specialty health care providers enabled via the Indian National Satellite System (INSAT); Spatial information on natural resources facilities for primary health care and distance education.

Village resource centres were set up by the _________ to bring space based centres to rural society


Sat com

Indian Space Research Organisation

Earth observation

Indian National Satellite system

Correct Answer:

Indian Space Research Organisation


The correct answer is Option (2) - Indian Space Research Organisation