Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Pipes and Cisterns


Find in whichever condition/conditions filling of water tank is/are possible :

A. One tap filling the tank in 2 liter/minute.

B. One tap filling the tank in 15 liter/minute and one tap emptying the tank with speed 1 liter/minute.

C. Two tap filling the tank with uniform speed of 4 liter/minute and one tap emptying the tank with speed of 500 ml/sec.

D. One tap filling the tank in 2 liter/minute and one tap emptying the tank with speed 4 liter/minute.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


Filled in case ‘A’ Only

Filled in case 'A' and 'B' Only

Filled in case ‘A’ and ‘C’ Only

Filled in case ‘A’ and ‘D’ Only

Correct Answer:

Filled in case 'A' and 'B' Only


To determine in which condition(s) the water tank can be filled, we need to compare the rates of filling and emptying the tank in each scenario.

A. One tap filling the tank at a rate of 2 liters/minute.

In this case, the tank can be filled.

B. One tap filling the tank at a rate of 15 liters/minute and one tap emptying the tank at a rate of 1 liter/minute.

The net filling rate is 15 - 1 = 14 liters/minute. Therefore, the tank can be filled.

C. Two taps filling the tank at a uniform speed of 4 liters/minute and one tap emptying the tank at a rate of 500 ml/second.

Converting the emptying rate to liters/minute, we have 500 ml/sec * 60 sec/minute = 30 liters/minute.

The net filling rate is 2 * 4 - 30 = -22 liters/minute. Therefore, the tank cannot be filled in this case.

D. One tap filling the tank at a rate of 2 liters/minute and one tap emptying the tank at a rate of 4 liters/minute.

The net filling rate is 2 - 4 = -2 liters/minute. Therefore, the tank cannot be filled in this case.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is Option 2: Filled in case 'A' and 'B' Only.