Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the correct Indirect form of the following sentence from the given options:

She said, "How can I do such a work!"


She asked that how she can do such a work.

She said that she can do such a work.

She wondered how she could do such a work.

She wondered if how she could do such a work.

Correct Answer:

She wondered how she could do such a work.


The correct answer is Option (3) → She asked that how she can do such a work.

Here's why the other options are less suitable:

  • She asked that how she can do such a work: This construction is grammatically awkward. The correct word order would be "how she could do such work."
  • She said that she can do such a work: This contradicts the original sentence where she expresses uncertainty about doing the work.
  • She wondered if how she could do such a work: This adds an unnecessary "if" which isn't present in the original sentence.

"She wondered how she could do such a work" accurately captures the speaker's surprise and uncertainty expressed in the direct speech.