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Target Exam







Which trophic level consists of organisms that primarily feed on other animals?


First trophic level

Second trophic level

Third trophic level

Both 2 and 3

Correct Answer:

Third trophic level


The correct answer is  Option (3)- Third trophic level.

The trophic level consisting of organisms that primarily feed on other animals is the third trophic level. Organisms at this level are known as carnivores or secondary consumers. They obtain their energy by consuming herbivores or other animals that belong to the second trophic level.

To understand trophic levels, it is helpful to consider the flow of energy through a food chain or food web. The first trophic level comprises primary producers, such as plants or photosynthetic organisms, which convert sunlight energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis.

The second trophic level consists of herbivores, also known as primary consumers, which feed directly on the primary producers. Herbivores obtain energy from consuming plant material.

Then, at the third trophic level, carnivores or secondary consumers come into play. These organisms are predators that feed on herbivores or other animals. They obtain energy by consuming the flesh or tissues of other animals. Examples of carnivores include wolves, fishes and hawks.

It is important to note that there can be higher trophic levels beyond the third trophic level. These levels include organisms known as tertiary consumers, quaternary consumers, and so on. Each subsequent trophic level represents organisms that primarily feed on organisms from the previous trophic level.