Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Ancient History


Which among the following are considered as Vedangas?

A. Kalp

B. Ayurveda

C. Vyakarana

D. Manu Smriti

E. Jyotish

Choose the correct answer from the option given below:


A, B and D only 

B, D and E only 

A, C and E only 

A, C and D only 

Correct Answer:

A, C and E only 


The correct answer is Option 3- A, C and E only

Vedangas are six auxiliary disciplines of Hinduism that developed in ancient times and have been connected with the study of the Vedas.Vedangas are six in number. Just like the limbs of the body, they perform various supportive and augmenting functions in the study, preservation and protection of the Vedas and the vedic traditions. The six Vedangas are Siksha, Chhanda, Vyakarana, Nirukta, Jyotisha and Kalpa.

The other options are not considered Vedangas:

Ayurveda is a traditional Indian system of medicine and is not directly connected to the study of the Vedas.
Manu Smriti is a legal and ethical text but not considered a Vedanga. It is categorized as a Smriti, which are later religious texts based on the authority of tradition and sages.