Practicing Success

Target Exam





Microbes in Human Welfare


State whether the statements are true or false:-
Statement 1 :-There is no such method of controlling pests in agriculture that relies on natural predation rather than introduced chemicals.
Statement 2 :- The organic farmer holds the view that the eradication of the creatures that are often described as pest is not only possible but also undesirable for without them the beneficial predatory and parasitic insects which depend upon them as food or hosts would not able to survive.


Both the statements are correct.

Only statement 1 is correct.

Only statement 2 is correct.

Both the statements are correct.

Correct Answer:

Only statement 2 is correct.


Statement 1: False There are methods of controlling pests in agriculture that rely on natural predation rather than introduced chemicals. These methods include biological control, where natural predators, parasites, or pathogens are used to regulate pest populations.

Statement 2: True Organic farmers often believe that eradicating pests entirely is not only impossible but also undesirable. They recognize the importance of maintaining a balanced ecosystem where beneficial predatory and parasitic insects can thrive by preying upon or parasitizing pests. This approach promotes natural pest control and reduces reliance on chemical interventions.