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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


"The north thrives even as the south decays"

This popular slogan sums up the dominant sentiments of which of the popular regional movement.


Kazhagam Movement

Dravidian Movement

Chipko Movement

Tebhaga Movement

Correct Answer:

Dravidian Movement


The correct answer is option (2) - Dravidian Movement

Vadakku Vaazhgiradhu; Therkku Thaeikiradhu’ [The north thrives even as the south decays]. This popular slogan sums up the dominant sentiments of one of India’s most effective regional movements, the Dravidian movement, at one point of time. This was one of the first regional movements in Indian politics. Though some sections of this movement had ambitions of creating a Dravida nation, the movement did not take to arms. It used democratic means like public debates and the electoral platform to achieve its ends. This strategy paid off as the movement acquired political power in the State and also became influential at the national level. The Dravidian movement led to the formation of Dravidar Kazhagam [DK] under the leadership of Tamil social reformer E.V. Ramasami ‘Periyar’. The organisation strongly opposed the Brahmins’ dominance and affirmed regional pride against the political, economic and cultural domination of the North. Initially, the Dravidian movement spoke in terms of the whole of south India; however lack of support from other States limited the movement to Tamil Nadu.