Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality


Read the case mentioned below and answer the question :

Rahman is a successful boy, who lives in Mumbai. He is very fond of junk food but he realised that eating junk food has many ill-effects on his health. He read in a newspaper that one can control his/her eating habits in order to reach long term goals in life. After reading this article on "Healthify Life" in the newspaper, he adopted a few effective mechanisms in his own lifestyle.

He selected all necessary information about the ideal weight and body mass index and found out his extra weight that is required to be shed off with immediate effect.

He started self introspection and instructed himself about the changed diet plan and work out schedule.

He kept a self reward policy wherein be could reward his own efforts towards weight loss journey and got extra happiness with each pleasant outcome.

After applying these changes in his life, Rahman reduced his body weight and gained some extra confidence, esteem and happiness in life.

Rehman learnt to delay or defer the gratification of his need to consume junk food. This is called __________.





Self regulation and Self Control

Correct Answer:



The answer is Self-control.

Self-control is the ability to delay or defer gratification. In this case, Rahman was able to delay his gratification of eating junk food in order to achieve his long-term goal of losing weight and being healthier.

The other options are not as accurate. Self-regulation is a broader term that encompasses more than just self-control. Self-observation is the act of monitoring one's own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Self-reinforcement is the act of rewarding oneself for positive behaviors.

Therefore, the only correct answer is Self-control.