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Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read passage given below and choose the answer the question that follow.

Trees give shade for the benefit of others and while they themselves stand in the sun and endure scorching heat, they produce the fruit by which others profit. The character of good men is like that of trees. What is the use of this perishable body, if no use of it is made, for the benefit of mankind? Sandalwood - the more it is rubbed the more scent does it yield. Sugarcane - the more it is peeled and cut into pieces, the more juice does it produce. Gold - the more it is burnt, the more brightly does it shine. The men who are noble at heart do not lose these qualities even in the face of death. What does it matter whether men praise them or not? What difference does it make whether riches abide with them or not? What does it signify whether they die at this moment or whether their lives are prolonged? Whatever may happen, those who tread on the right path will not set foot in any other. Life itself is unprofitable to a man who does not live for others. Those who lay down their lives for the sake of a friend, or even for the sake of a stranger, will assuredly dwell forever in a world of bliss.

Choose the statements that are correct from the options given below :

(A) Sandalwood gives more scent when rubbed
(B) Gold shines more brightly when burnt
(C) People who tread the right path need praise
(D) Trees and Human beings work hard for others
(E) Helping a stranger will make you happy


(A) and (B) Only

(A), (B) and (C) Only

(C) and (D) Only

(D) and (E) Only

Correct Answer:

(A) and (B) Only


The correct statements are: (A) and (B) Only

(A) Sandalwood gives more scent when rubbed: This statement is correct. Sandalwood is known for releasing more fragrance when it is rubbed.

(B) Gold shines more brightly when burnt: This statement is correct. Burning gold can remove impurities and enhance its shine.

Here's why the other options are incorrect:
  • (C) People who tread the right path need praise: The passage emphasizes the intrinsic value of living for others and doing good, not the need for external recognition.
  • (D) Trees and Human beings work hard for others: While the core message aligns with both humans and trees contributing to others, the passage specifically uses trees as a metaphor for humans, not emphasizing them working "hard" in a literal sense.
  • (E) Helping a stranger will make you happy: This statement is not explicitly mentioned in the passage. While the passage emphasizes the importance of living for others, it doesn't specifically mention that helping a stranger will bring happiness.