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Target Exam





Ancient India: Kings, Farmers and Towns


Which of the following time period is related to the emergence of early states in Indian history ?


First Century BCE

Sixth Century BCE

Eighth Century BCE

Tenth Century BCE

Correct Answer:

Sixth Century BCE


The correct answer is Option (2) → Sixth Century BCE

Magadha Empire: The rise of the Magadha Empire, with its capital at Pataliputra (modern-day Patna), played a pivotal role in the formation of early states. Under the leadership of rulers like Bimbisara and his son Ajatashatru, Magadha expanded its territory and consolidated its power in the Ganges Valley.

Mahavira and Buddha: During this period, religious and philosophical movements, including Jainism and Buddhism, gained prominence. These movements contributed to social and ethical reforms, which in turn had an impact on the political landscape. The teachings of Mahavira and the Buddha encouraged rulers to adopt more humane and ethical governance.

Urbanization: The growth of cities and urban centers, such as Rajgir and Pataliputra, was a significant development. These urban centers served as administrative hubs for emerging states and facilitated economic and political organization.

Increased Trade: Trade and economic activities expanded, leading to greater prosperity and increased resources for rulers to build and maintain states. The control of trade routes and the revenue generated from trade were vital for state formation.

Military Conquests: The sixth century BCE saw various states and empires engage in military conquests to expand their territories and consolidate power. The Magadha Empire, for example, engaged in warfare to expand its dominion.

Political Centralization: The early states marked a shift from tribal and clan-based societies to more centralized forms of governance. Rulers, such as those of the Magadha Empire, established stronger and more centralized authority over their domains.

So, the correct option is [2].