Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Infrastructure


Community Participation is one of the important aspects of good healthcare system. It functions with the idea that the people can be trained and involved in primary healthcare system. This method is already used in some parts of our country. A few attempts have also been made by rural organisations to build alternative healthcare initiatives. At present there are 4,095 AYUSH hospitals and 27,951 dispensaries. Prevention and control of health problems come under primary health care whereas hospitals with better facilities are called secondary healthcare institutions. Complicated health problems, which could not be managed by primary and secondary hospitals come under the tertiary sector.

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence-

In Healthcare sector, ________ has huge potential because they are effective and safe.



Health Insurance

Indian System of Medicine

Clinical Trials

Correct Answer:

Indian System of Medicine


The correct option to complete the sentence is: Indian System of Medicine

The sentence would read: "In the healthcare sector, the Indian System of Medicine has huge potential because they are effective and safe." This suggests that traditional systems of medicine, such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (collectively known as AYUSH), are considered effective and safe in certain contexts.