Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Answer question based on following case study.

Mr. Raj is a fresh graduate in Human Resource Management from a top Business School. After completing his graduation, an Indian based MNC has recruited him as an HR Manager. Now the company is planning to expand its area of operation and for the same requires to recruit another 200 management trainees. Mr. Raj is a highly dedicated and efficient manager, he is assigned to recruit these management trainees by the Head of the HR Department. He is also asked to assign task to them in addition to their recruitment and selection.

Which of the following recruitment source Mr. Raj can use?


Both internal and external sources 

Only Internal sources

Only External sources

Only through transfers and promotions

Correct Answer:

Both internal and external sources 


The correct answer is Option (1) - Both internal and external sources.

A management trainee is typically an entry-level position within a company's management structure. Individuals in this role undergo a structured training program to develop the skills and knowledge required for future leadership roles within the organization. Management trainee programs are designed to expose individuals to various aspects of the organization's operations, including different departments, functions, and processes. Trainees may rotate through different roles or departments to gain a comprehensive understanding of the company's business operations and culture.

In the context of hiring management trainees, leveraging both internal and external sources of recruitment can provide a balanced approach. Internal recruitment can help identify and develop existing talent within the organization, while external recruitment can bring in fresh perspectives and address specific skill requirements. By utilizing both sources, the organization can build a diverse and talented pool of management trainees who are well-equipped to contribute to its growth and success.

Only Internal sources: Restricting recruitment to only internal sources would limit the potential pool of candidates for the 200 management trainee positions, especially when the company is planning to expand its area of operation. Relying solely on internal sources might not bring in the diverse skill sets and fresh perspectives needed for the expansion.

Only External sources: Solely relying on external sources could overlook the talent and potential already present within the organization. It might also disregard the investment the company has made in its current employees, potentially leading to demotivation among the existing workforce.

Thus, by combining both internal and external sources, Mr. Raj can create a well-rounded recruitment strategy that increases the chances of finding the best possible candidates for the management trainee program.