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Legal Studies


Legal Maxims


Which of the amongst the following is an important element of jurisprudence and principle of natural justice that stands as rule against bias?


Salus Populi Est Suprema lex

Qui facit per Atium, Facit per se

Nemo debt non quad habit

Nemo Debit Esse Judex in Propria sua causa

Correct Answer:

Nemo Debit Esse Judex in Propria sua causa


The important element of jurisprudence and a principle of natural justice that stands as a rule against bias is "Nemo Debet Esse Judex in Propria Sua Causa." This Latin phrase translates to "No one ought to be a judge in their own cause" and is a fundamental principle that requires that a person cannot be a judge or decision-maker in a case in which they have a personal interest or bias. This principle ensures impartiality and fairness in legal proceedings.

The other options are not correct:

  • Salus Populi Est Suprema lex means "The welfare of the people is the supreme law." It is a principle of Roman law that emphasizes the importance of the common good.
  • Qui facit per Atium, Facit per se means "He who does something through another is deemed to do it himself." It is a principle of agency law that holds the principal responsible for the actions of their agent.
  • Nemo debt non quad habit means "No one owes what he does not have." It is a principle of contract law that states that a party cannot be held liable for a debt that they do not owe.