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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


In which year did Atal Bihari Vajpayee undertake a bus journey to Lahore to sign a Peace Declaration?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (1) - 1999

In February 1999, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the then-Prime Minister of India, undertook a historic bus journey to Lahore, Pakistan, with the aim of promoting peace and stability in the region. This initiative was part of Vajpayee's efforts to improve relations between India and Pakistan and seek peaceful resolutions to longstanding conflicts.

The bus journey to Lahore was significant as it marked the first direct bus service between India and Pakistan in decades, symbolizing a gesture of goodwill and friendship between the two neighboring nations. The bus route was named the "Sada-e-Sarhad" (Message of Peace), reflecting the hope for peace and reconciliation.

During his visit to Lahore, Atal Bihari Vajpayee met with his Pakistani counterpart, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and engaged in bilateral discussions aimed at fostering mutual understanding and cooperation. The highlight of the visit was the signing of the Lahore Declaration, which outlined a framework for bilateral dialogue and confidence-building measures between India and Pakistan.

The Lahore Declaration emphasized the commitment of both countries to resolving outstanding issues, including the long-standing Kashmir dispute, through peaceful means and dialogue. It also outlined measures to promote people-to-people contacts, cultural exchanges, and economic cooperation between India and Pakistan.

At the time, the bus journey to Lahore and the signing of the Lahore Declaration were hailed as significant steps towards peace and stability in the South Asian region. However, the optimism was short-lived as tensions between India and Pakistan resurfaced later in the year, particularly following the Kargil conflict in May-July 1999.

Nevertheless, the bus journey to Lahore and the Lahore Declaration remain important milestones in the history of India-Pakistan relations, symbolizing moments of hope and reconciliation in an otherwise turbulent relationship.