Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


Read the passage carefully and answer the following question:

Swatantra Party was formed in August 1959 after the Nagpur resolution of the Congress which called for land ceilings, take-over of food grain trade by the state and adoption of cooperative farming. The party was led by old Congressmen like C. Rajagopalachari, K.M. Munshi, N.G. Ranga and Minoo Masani. The party stood out from the others in terms of its position on economic issues.

The Swatantra Party wanted the government to be less and less involved in controlling the economy. It believed the prosperity could come only through individual freedom. It was critical of the development strategy of state intervention in the economy centralised planning, nationalisation and the public sector. It instead favoured expansion of a free private sector. The Swatantra Party was against land ceilings in agriculture, and opposed cooperative farming and state trading. It was also opposed to the progressive tax regime and demanded dismantling of the licensing regime.

Name the founder of the Swatantra party?


C. Rajgopalachari

Natrajan Annadurai

Minoo Masani

Acharya Kriplani

Correct Answer:

C. Rajgopalachari


The correct answer is Option (1) - C. Rajgopalachari

C. Rajagopalachari (1878-1972) was a prominent leader in the Indian National Congress and a talented writer. He worked closely with Mahatma Gandhi and played a crucial role in the Constituent Assembly. As the first Indian Governor-General of India from 1948 to 1950, he made history. Rajagopalachari also served as a minister in the Union Cabinet and later as the Chief Minister of Madras state. His outstanding contributions earned him the distinction of being the first recipient of the Bharat Ratna Award. Additionally, he founded the Swatantra Party in 1959, advocating for important principles of freedom and limited government intervention.

The party was led by old Congressmen like C. Rajagopalachari, K.M. Munshi, N.G. Ranga and Minoo Masani. The party stood out from the others in terms of its position on economic issues.