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Target Exam







Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow :-
In a given population one can find out the frequency of occurrence of alleles of a gene of a locus. This frequency is supposed to remain fixed and even remain the same through generations. Hardy Weinberg principle stated it using algebraic equations. This principle says that allele frequencies in a population are stable and is constant from generation to generation the gene pool remains a constant. This is called genetic equilibrium.

Which among the following factors affect Hardy Weinberg equilibrium?



Genetic drift

Gene flow

All of these

Correct Answer:

All of these


The correct answer is Option (4) –All of these

Hardy-Weinberg Principle

The principle stating that allele frequencies in a population remain stable and constant from generation to generation, under certain ideal conditions, is known as the Hardy-Weinberg principle. Five factors are known to affect Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. These are gene migration or gene flow, genetic drift, mutation, genetic recombination and natural selection. When migration of a section of population to another place and population occurs, gene frequencies change in the original as well as in the new population. New genes/alleles are added to the new population and these are lost from the old population. There would be a gene flow if this gene migration, happens multiple times. If the same change occurs by chance, it is called genetic drift.