Practicing Success

Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


Consider the following statements.

I. Getting vaccinated is recommended to prevent infections.

II. Vaccinations are provided for diseases such as polio, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, and many others.

III. Controlling or eliminating vectors is essential in diseases like malaria and filariasis.

IV. Culex mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting both dengue and chikungunya.

Which of the statements given above are correct?


I, II and III

I, II and IV

I, III and IV

III and IV

Correct Answer:

I, II and III


The correct answer is Option is (1) - I, II and III

Explanation of correct statements :

I. People should get vaccination to avoid infection. This statement suggests that getting vaccinated is important in order to prevent infections. Vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce an immune response, helping the body recognize and fight off specific pathogens. By receiving vaccinations, individuals can develop immunity to various infectious diseases, reducing the risk of infection.

II. Vaccination is available against polio, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, and many other diseases. This statement highlights that vaccines are accessible for a range of diseases, including polio, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, and numerous others. Vaccinations have been developed and proven effective in preventing these diseases, providing individuals with immunity or reduced susceptibility to infection.

III. Eradication of vectors is necessary in diseases like malaria and filariasis. This statement emphasizes the importance of eradicating vectors, such as mosquitoes, in diseases like malaria and filariasis. These diseases are transmitted through the bites of infected vectors. Controlling or eliminating these vectors, for example through the use of insecticide-treated bed nets or mosquito control programs, is crucial in reducing the transmission of these diseases.

IV. Dengue and chikungunya, both are spread by Culex mosquitoes. It is incorrect .Dengue and chikungunya are primarily spread by the bite of female mosquitoes belonging to the Aedes genus, particularly Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. These mosquitoes are known as the primary vectors for these viral diseases.