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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


What did the leaders of independent India believe should be the purpose of political activity?


Accumulating wealth and personal gain.

Solving societal problems and pursuing public interest.

Exercising control and dominance over other groups.

Implementing policies favored by the ruling party.

Correct Answer:

Solving societal problems and pursuing public interest.


The birth of independent India occurred amidst challenging circumstances and the arduous task of nation-building. In contrast to many other countries that opted against democracy, citing the need for national unity and potential conflicts, India faced similar conditions. These countries, after gaining freedom from colonialism, witnessed non-democratic forms of governance, such as nominal democracy controlled by a single leader, one-party rule, or direct military control. Although non-democratic regimes initially promised a return to democracy, they proved entrenched and difficult to remove once established.

However, the leaders of newly independent India chose a more challenging path, which was not unexpected considering the profound commitment of the freedom struggle to the principles of democracy. Recognizing the crucial role of politics in any democratic system, these leaders viewed politics not as a problem but as a means of addressing societal issues. Every society faces the task of determining its governing and regulatory mechanisms, weighing diverse policy alternatives, and reconciling conflicting aspirations. Democratic politics emerged as the solution to these challenges.

While competition and the pursuit of power may be prominent aspects of politics, the primary purpose of political activity is, and should be, the determination and advancement of public interest. This was the path chosen by the leaders of independent India.