The second number in the given number pairs is obtained by performing certain mathematical operation(s) on the first number. The same operation(s) are followed in all the number pairs except one. Find that odd number pair. |
14 : 512 22 : 1728 46 : 12167 38 : 8000 |
46 : 12167 |
The logic followed here Is : First half of Ist number Then add 1 in it then cube of that number which is equal to second number option 1 14 : 512 7+1= 8 83 = 512 option 2 22 : 1728 11 +1 = 12 123 = 1728
option 3 46 : 12167 23 +1= 24 243 = 13824 but 12167 is given which is odd
option 4 38 : 8000 19 +1= 20 203 = 8000 |