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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who founded the city of Agra?




Raja Bhoj

Sikandar Lodi

Correct Answer:

Sikandar Lodi


The correct answer is Option 4- Sikandar Lodi

The modern city of Agra was founded in 1504 by Sikandar Lodi, the sultan of Delhi.
He shifted the capital of the Delhi Sultanate from Delhi to Agra.

Agra was already an ancient city before Sikandar Lodi founded it. It is mentioned in the Mahabharata, and it is believed to have been founded by the Yadava dynasty in the 12th century BC.

Sikandar Lodi built a number of forts and palaces in Agra. He also made the city a center of trade and commerce. Agra flourished under Sikandar Lodi's rule.

After Sikandar Lodi's death in 1517, Agra was captured by the Mughal emperor Babur. Babur also made Agra his capital. Agra reached its golden age under the Mughal emperors Akbar, Jahangir, and Shah Jahan. They built many beautiful buildings in Agra, including the Taj Mahal.