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Target Exam





Variations in Psychological Attributes


Sarah is a 25-year-old woman who is seeking career guidance and wants to understand her personality traits better. She has been feeling dissatisfied with her current job and wants to explore other career options that align with her interests and strengths. Sarah decided to undergo a formal assessment of her personality attributes to gain insights into her unique characteristics. The psychologist conducting the assessment uses a variety of methods, including interviews, psychological tests, and a case study approach.

Which statement best describes the difference between formal and informal assessment?


Formal assessment uses scientific procedures, while informal assessment is subjective.

Formal assessment varies from case to case, while informal assessment is standardized.

Formal assessment is conducted by psychologists, while informal assessment is conducted by individuals themselves.

Formal assessment is open to subjective interpretations, while informal assessment is objective and organized.

Correct Answer:

Formal assessment uses scientific procedures, while informal assessment is subjective.


The difference between formal and informal assessment lies in the methods and standards used. Formal assessment involves objective, standardized, and scientific procedures, ensuring reliability and validity. In contrast, informal assessment can vary from case to case and is open to subjective interpretations, making it less standardized and more subjective in nature.