Practicing Success

Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Examine the four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. He told me the packet contained old German illustrated magazines.

B. Before we left Bareilly jail, the superintendent of Police of Bareilly, an Englishman, was present there and as I got into the car, he handed to me rather shyly a packet.

C. I had never met him before, nor have I seen him since and I do not even know his name.

D. He said that he had heard that I was learning German and so he had bought these magazines for me.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (1) - BADC

The correct order of the jumbled sentences is BADC.

  • Sentence B is the first sentence because it introduces the main character and the main event. It tells us that the superintendent of Police of Bareilly, an Englishman, handed a packet to the author as he got into the car before they left Bareilly jail.
  • Sentence A follows sentence B because it provides more information about the packet. It tells us that the packet contained old German illustrated magazines.
  • Sentence D follows sentence A because it provides more information about the superintendent of Police. It tells us that he had heard that the author was learning German and so he had bought the magazines for him.
  • Sentence C follows sentence D because it provides a concluding remark. It tells us that the author had never met the superintendent of Police before, nor has he seen him since and he does not even know his name.