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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following pair of ‘Name of Ruler – Empire’ is correctly matched?
I. Mahapadma Nanda – Magadha Empire
II. Ajatasattu – Maurya Empire


Only II

Neither I nor II

Both I and II

Only I

Correct Answer:

Only I


The correct answer is Option 4- Only I .

Mahapadma Nanda was the founder of the Nanda Empire, which ruled Magadha in the fourth century BCE.

The Magadha Empire encompasses the rule of three dynasties over time – Haryanka Dynasty, Shishunaga Dynasty, and Nanda Dynasty.

The first important and powerful dynasty in Magadha was the Haryanka dynasty founded by Bimbisara. Bimbisara Ajatshatru was the son of Bimbisra who ruled Magadha after Bimbisara.

Sisunaga dynasty replaced the Haryanka Dynasty which was finally replaced by Nanda Dynasty in Magadha.

Nanda dynasty was defeated by Chandragupta Maurya to establish Mauryan Dynasty.