Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the passage given below to answer the questions by choosing the correct options.

If we ask, "Why did such-and-such a group or organization, which was perfectly ordinary, become a high-performance team or an excellent organization?'', the answer is often that they were inspired to raise their sights and standards by the vision, of a particular lender. Therefore it is impossible to divorce effective teambuilding from effective leadership.

The ability to inspire others is a general characteristic of good leaders. It is essentially important if the group or organization is working in difficult conditions or adverse circumstances, where morale can easily fall.

To achieve excellence in results over a period of time in an organization, as in a football team, is not accidental. The various properties of groups identified in Part One-communication, decisions making, cohesiveness, morale, atmosphere, standards, procedures are all found again in high-performance teams but to different degrees. The average work group and the exceptional team can be compared to t horses both have the same muscles, legs lungs and other organs. But one is an ordinary riding horse in the local stables, the other is a three times winner of the Grand National. Why is one different from the other?

In the transformations of a work group into a team, and an ordinary team into a high-performance team, attention must be given to three crucially important elements; leadership, membership and common methods of working together.

The vital element that transforms an ordinary team into a high performing team is:


Team membership

Effective leadership

Strategies of working together

All of the above

Correct Answer:

Effective leadership


The correct answer is Option (2) → Effective leadership

In the context of the passage, the vital element that transforms an ordinary team into a high-performing team is Effective leadership. The following lines in the first para gives importance to effective leadership.

"If we ask, "Why did such-and-such a group or organization, which was perfectly ordinary, become a high-performance team or an excellent organization?'', the answer is often that they were inspired to raise their sights and standards by the vision, of a particular lender. Therefore it is impossible to divorce effective teambuilding from effective leadership."

Option 4, "All of the above," may also seem like a plausible choice, as all three elements mentioned (team membership, effective leadership, and strategies of working together) are indeed important in transforming an ordinary team into a high-performing one. However, in the context of the passage, the emphasis is particularly on effective leadership as the vital element.