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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: International Organisations


Which of the following is not true about an international organization?


An international organisation can help produce information and ideas about how to cooperate

It can provide mechanisms, rules and a bureaucracy, to help members have more confidence that costs will be shared properly

It can provide mechanisms, rules and a bureaucracy, to help a single nation get benefits of the cooperation solely for itself.

It can ensure that once a member joins an agreement it will honour the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Correct Answer:

It can provide mechanisms, rules and a bureaucracy, to help a single nation get benefits of the cooperation solely for itself.


International organisations are helpful in several ways. Nations can usually see that there are some things they must do together. There are issues that are so challenging that they can only be dealt with when everyone works together e.g. diseases, global warming etc.

Unfortunately, recognising the need for cooperation and actually cooperating are two different things. Nations can recognise the need to cooperate but cannot always agree on how best to do so, how to share the costs of cooperating, how to make sure that the benefits of cooperating are justly divided, and how to ensure that others do not break their end of the bargain and cheat on an agreement

An international organisation can help produce information and ideas about how to cooperate. It can provide mechanisms, rules and a bureaucracy, to help members have more confidence that costs will be shared properly, that the benefits will be fairly divided, and that once a member joins an agreement it will honour the terms and conditions of the agreement.

No matter how powerful a country might be, an international organization will not ensure that a single nation gets the benefits of the cooperation solely for itself.