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Target Exam





Indian Society: Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion


In Begum Rokeya Sakhawat's book "Sultana's Dream" we find the following excerpt, "Where are the men ?..., where they ought to be... we shut our men indoors... just as we are kept in the zenana ?", What do these lines describe?


Double standard imposed by male dominated society

Comparison of work done by men and women in a male dominated society

Reversal of roles of Gender

Challenging patriarchy

Correct Answer:

Reversal of roles of Gender


The correct answer is Option (3) - Reversal of roles of Gender

These lines illustrate a reversal of traditional gender roles, where men are depicted as being confined indoors (in the zenana), while women are free to move and engage in activities outside. This reversal challenges the traditional patriarchy and the norms imposed by a male-dominated society.

"Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain was born in a well-to-do Bengali Muslim family, and was lucky to have a husband who was very liberal in outlook and encouraged her education first in Urdu and later in Bengali and English. She was already a successful author in Urdu and Bengali when she wrote Sultana’s Dream to test her abilities in English. This remarkable short story is probably the earliest example of science fiction writing in India, and among the first by a woman author anywhere in the world. In her dream, Sultana visits a magical country where the gender roles are reversed. Men are confined to the home and observe ‘purdah’ while women are busy scientists vying with each other at inventing devices that will control the clouds and regulate rain, and machines that fly or ‘air-cars’."