Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




On the basis of the information given in the case, answer the next five questions.

"Just Foodie" is a food chain offering different snacks like chips, biscuits, chocochip cookies, cakes, etc. through their own retail outlets. To make their products available to customers at right time, right place, they are also selling their products to grocery stores in addition to their own outlets. The taste, quality and packing are given utmost care. They are offering good quality, so they able to charge higher price than their competitors. To increase their sales, they are using different offers like: Free gifts, Cash backs, etc. They are offering discounts to customers on various occasions. All these considerations have made "Just Foodie" a complete success and they are able to win over different competitors in the market, and their market share is rising continuously.

"To increase their sales, they are using different offers like: Free gifts, Cash backs etc. They are offering discounts to customers on various occasions."

Identify the marketing mix element from the above statement.


Product mix

Price mix

Promotion mix

Physical distribution mix

Correct Answer:

Promotion mix


The correct answer is Option (3) → Promotion mix.

The marketing mix element discussed in the statement "To increase their sales, they are using different offers like free gifts, cash backs, etc. They are offering discounts to customers on various occasions" is "Promotion mix." This statement highlights various promotional tactics employed by "Just Foodie" to stimulate sales, such as offering free gifts, cash backs, and discounts, which fall under the promotion mix element of the marketing mix.

* Promotion of products and services include activities that communicate availability, features, merits, etc., of the products to the target customers and persuade them to buy it. Most marketing organisations, undertake various promotional activities and spend substantial amount of money on the promotion of their goods through using number of tools such as advertising, personal selling and sales promotion techniques (like price discounts, free samples, etc.). A large number of decisions are to be taken in each of the area specified above. For example, in the respect of advertising it is important to decide about the message, the media to be used (example, print-media– newspaper, magazines, the objections of customers, etc.)