Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following rule is used to find the direction of magnetic field associated with a current carrying conductor?


Left hand rule

Fleming’s right-hand rule

Maxwell’s corkscrew rule

Fleming’s left-hand rule

Correct Answer:

Maxwell’s corkscrew rule


The correct answer is option 3. Maxwell’s corkscrew rule.

Maxwell's corkscrew rule describes the relationship between the direction of the electric current and that of the magnetic field lines associated with it. As the name suggests the direction in which the screw moves and the direction in which its handle rotates or turns correspond to the directions of the current and the field lines. Imagine a right-handed corkscrew lying with its axis coinciding with the current- carrying wire. It is now rotated such that it advances in the direction of the current, and then the direction in which the screw rotates gives the direction of the magnetic field.

Additional Information

Left-hand rule: Fleming's left wing-hand rule states that if we stretch the thumb, middle cutlet, and the indicator cutlet of the left hand in such a way that they make an angle of 90 degrees(vertical to each other) and the captain placed in the glamorous field gests glamorous force.

Fleming's right-hand rule: When a moving captain is placed inside a glamorous field, the current is convinced in it as a result of the captain's stir, and the current convinced in the captain has a directional relationship with the direction of the force applied inside the glamorous field.

This relationship between these directions is handed by the Fleming right-hand rule.

Fleming's left-hand rule:

Fleming's Left-Hand Rule and Fleming's Right-Hand Rule are essential rules applicable to magnetism and electromagnetism.

John Ambrose Fleming developed them in the late 19th century as a simple way of working out the direction of electric current in an electric generator or the direction of motion in an electric motor.